We are currently preparing several publications to be released beginning in the Fall of 2024 through the first quarter of 2025. Details of these publications will be made available as soon as they are finalized.
At present, some of the content of the original ELT Vista is available on an older website, www.eltvisa.com. These include articles on humanistic teaching practices that support personal and professional development. The content, to some extent, had been originally uploaded in an unedited state, after the original ELT Vista website was lost. The material will soon be published as part of our future publications beginning in the Fall of 2024. Some will also be appear as free content in an article section of this website to be developed later. In the meantime, the original content, as a longstanding service to the TESOL community, will remain online on the eltvisa website (above) until our Fall 2024 line of publications are released.
In the first quarter of 2025, we also aim to publish language learning material that is socially relevant. We hope to publish material that supports the activities of climate activists who are raising awareness of climate change and the threat of global warming. ELT Vista, the periodical had originally supported ideas for raising awareness of this important issue, as well as other issues that were socially relevant as far back as 2005.
Further details about our future publications will be updated soon. A newsletter will be available shortly for subscription to update our followers.